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St Mary Magdalene Church, Littleton

Weekly Newsletter

8 February 2025

Our church is committed to making all activities as open and accessible to all

I'm going to be honest I think that February is my least favourite month of the year. Christmas seems like a distant memory and spring and summer feel too far away. Valentine’s day and half term are about the only positive things going for it.  If you don't have children and aren't involved romantically with anyone then the month takes an even more depressing turn.  So let's get away from depressing things and look for some reasons to be cheerful. 

First of all I have air in my lungs.  Being alive is a gift from God.  The psalmist who wrote psalm 118 could well have been writing it in an English February, as he says "This is the day that the Lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it."  It's a reminder that every day is a gift.

Choosing to look for the small things in life and be thankful for them can change everything. My house, my family, my friends, the fact that today is sunny.  That I have clothes to wear and food to eat, all of these things are reasons to be thankful and cheerful.  I haven't even mentioned more people coming to church, the great Christmas that we enjoyed, and Watford haven't sacked their manager in 2025 (so the last one is quite personal and football related I do apologise). 

If your feeling low, start by giving thanks for the small things.  Small changes make a big difference.  


difference.  Finally remember summer really is coming.

Have a great week,


This Sunday’s Readings – 

This Sunday’s Readings – 

Psalm 138                        Matthew 4:1-11

Sunday Services  9 February at 9.30 and 11.15

                            Creche 11.15 in Church

                            Sunday Club 11.15 in Littleton School

                            Youth 11.15 in the OSB

                            Older Youth 7pm

Cornerstone      10 February 10-12 in the OSB

Beer & Bible.     11 Feb 8:15pm in The Barley Mow

Wednesday Fellowship. 12 February at 10am (Communion)       Prayer Meeting   12 Feb at 8pm on Zoom

Littletots              13 February at 9:30 in the OSB

Sunday Services  16 Feb at 9:30 & 11.15

                             Creche 11.15 in Church

                            Sunday Club 11.15 in Littleton School

                            Youth 11.15 in the OSB

                            Older Youth 7 pm

RECTOR: Revd Tim Rose



Parish Office: 01932 562249                

Find us on Facebook and YouTube



29 MARCH at 7.30pm in the OSB


Further details from Tim, Jane & Rebeccah


The Food bank is grateful for your donations.  Please continue to give genourously.  Thank you.

Currently they need the following –

Tinned Mince, Stewing Steak, Casserole, Pies, Spaghetti Hoops

Rice, Marmite, Jam, Marmalade

Tinned Fruit, Rice Pudding, Custard, Angel Delight, Cakes, Chocolate, Squash, Fruit Juice, Small Jars of Coffee

Liquid Soap, Deodorant, Conditioner, Toilet Rolls

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