Our local church is driven by the conviction that God has called us to grow His kingdom through acts of faith, hope, and love within our community and beyond.
Fulfilling this divine mission requires financial resources, with annual costs reaching tens of thousands of pounds.
A significant portion of our funds goes to the Common Fund, supporting the central church, enabling us to have a vicar and the backing of the diocese.
In addition to these commitments, we bear the expenses of heating, lighting, and maintaining our historic church building, as well as expanding our missional activities in the community.
Every contribution, regardless of size, plays a vital role in realizing God's calling, showing His love to our community and beyond, and witnessing lives transformed one person at a time.
Current Financial Priorities:
Our key objectives this year include getting closer to the £80,600 Common Fund commitment, with a pledge to give £61,000 compared to the £60,000 contributed last year.
We aim to initiate a project employing a Children, Youth, and Families worker for two days a week, requiring an annual cost of approximately £20,000.
Your Generosity Makes a Difference:
Your generous giving empowers us to achieve these priorities, contributing to the growth of God's kingdom and making St Mary Magdalene the heart of our local community.
Gift Aid: Your Questions Answered:
What is a Gift Aid Declaration? It is the church’s authorization to reclaim tax from the Inland Revenue on your donations, confirming your understanding of this process.
How do I pay under Gift Aid? Payment methods are flexible—weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually—via envelope, cheque, standing order, or receipted cash, as long as the payment is recorded.
Will everyone know how much I give? No, a confidential recording system ensures only the Church Treasurer and Planned Giving Officer are aware of your contribution.
What if my circumstances change? You can adjust your giving as long as you've paid at least as much tax as charities reclaim in any tax year.
What if I stop paying enough tax? You can cancel your Declaration at any time, with the cancellation taking effect from the date you inform the church.
What if I pay income tax at a higher rate? The church reclaims tax at the basic rate, but you can claim back the difference through your Self Assessment return.
Can I use Gift Aid if I don't pay tax, but my spouse does? No, only a taxpayer can use the scheme, and it is recommended for your spouse to complete the Declaration.
Can tax other than income tax be counted under Gift Aid? Yes, capital gains tax, tax on pensions, tax credits, and tax deducted from bank and building society interest (if not reclaimed) can cover the tax on your gifts.
What if I move? You can cancel your Declaration at your old church and complete a new Declaration at the new church.